Friday, December 19, 2003

Hairspray Loans Presidential Campaign 850 K

This morning The Old Gray Lady reports that Presidential hopeful (don't you hate that word?) Democrat Senator John Kerry has loaned his embattled (don't you hate that word too?) campaign $850,000. Kerry is hoping to become the ABD (Anyone but Dean) candidate of the Democratic Party Establishment.

NY Times reporters Katherine Q. Seelye and Robin Toner write in Some Democrats Uneasy About Dean as Nominee today:

"'We don't want a wimp in this part of the country,' said Representative Marcy Kaptur, Democrat of Ohio. 'Everything I've read that Dean has said about Saddam seems to be right on point. Our people have struggled to make a living and they want a fighter. They don't want some kind of Hollywood production with hair spray.'"

And speaking of politics and hair spray, the follicle-y curious can read my interview with the Senator's hair here.

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