Friday, February 20, 2009

David Rothkopf: Obama's Haircut "Is Simply Not Presidential"

(image via nymag)

David Rothkopf, a fine if power-obsessed commentator on foreign affairs and national security issues gives a textbook examples why pundits should stay within their metier when writing or speaking to a large audience, and never deviate. He writes in Foreign Policy on "20 things that won't survive the crisis." And he offers some fine insights, for example: Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso ("Nobody had much confidence in him to begin with"), Retiring at Age 65, The Career of Gordon Brown, Citibank, Stability in Mexico and Unilateralism. All fine.

But then Rothkopf veers into a realm -- African-American hair -- that he really has no fucking business talking about. Bad form, at the very least. From Foreign Policy:

"Look at it closely. It is simply not presidential. We're not going to be able to make it through this crisis with something that looks like a six year old's first buzz cut. Remember Mr. President, it's not just your head anymore, it's a head of state."

Better stick to studying the National Security Council, Rothkopf.

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